Is hard-shell suitcase safe for travelling by air? Find out more

Experienced flight attendant explains which type of luggage bags are good for air travel

Is hard-shell suitcase safe for travelling by air? Find out more
Caption: Travel smarter, not harder! Functional bags that keep you organized and looking sharp
Source: Insider.CO.UK

Dubai:  Contrary to popular belief, hard-shell suitcases may not offer the durability and protection that many travelers assume. Therefore, Emilie Cooke-Martageix, an experienced Air France flight attendant with 16 years of service, advises travellers to reconsider their luggage choices.

Choose fabric suitcases 

Hard-shell suitcases, explains Martageix, can be easily damaged by the pressure from other bags when stored together in the cargo hold. Instead, she recommends opting for fabric suitcases, which she claims are more resilient and less prone to damage.

Built to bounce back! Fabric suitcases are the go-to for worry-free travel
Image Credit: Bags to Go

Choose two-wheelers

In addition to choosing fabric over hard shell, Martageix advises travelers to opt for suitcases with two wheels rather than four-wheel spinners. She argues that four-wheel spinners are less durable and reliable, suggesting that two-wheeled designs are a better choice for checked luggage.

Ask the expert

Moreover, she recommends considering luggage brands recommended by industry professionals for reliability.

Avoid overweight bags 

Furthermore, Martageix emphasizes the importance of adhering to carry-on weight limits. Overweight bags not only pose a challenge for travelers but also burden flight attendants, who must assist with stowing luggage in overhead compartments.

Taking to TikTok, a flight attendant Kat Kamalani, explained that people often risk injuring themselves as they lift overpacked suitcases into lockers. The same is true of cabin crew, who regularly hurt their shoulders or backs lifting luggage into lockers.